Applied Yoga: 7 Poses for Runners (and Turkey Trotters!)
Posted on November 23 2016,

Whether you run every day or just for a Thanksgiving Turkey/Tofurkey Trot, yoga is integral to staying safe and healthy while you run! This becomes especially true if, like us, you live in an area that is starting to get very cold for the winter. Be kind to your muscles and show the family how to stretch yogi-style before and after your post-meal exercise!
Once seated, hold your ankles and gentle raise and lower your knees off the ground. This movement airs out the hip flexors and glutes while gently waking up the ankles. You can move your legs quickly to stimulate blood flow, or slow the motion down and link your breath to it to help stimulate more efficient digestion.
Careful with going upside down too soon after eating! Center your ankles under your knees and lay your arms palms-down by your sides before engaging your core to lift your hips. Keep your lower back strong and your hips limber with this gentle inversion.
Downward Dog:
From Bridge pose, roll over onto your stomach, tuck your toes, and push your hips into the air. This pose relieves tension along your back body and warms up your shoulders. As you settle into the pose, pedal your ankles to work farther into the stretch.
Ease down into this pose from Downward Dog. Many different leg muscles get engaged and stretched in this pose, as well as your hip flexors and lower back. Keep your hips square to the front of your mat, and remember to do both sides.
Forward Fold:
You might try walking your hands back into this pose from Downward Dog. This pose is lengthening and relaxing, especially for your back and neck. Feel free to bend your knees a little to release hammy tension!
Warrior 1:
Carefully straighten up into this pose from your Forward Fold. Warrior 1 is energizing and elongating, simultaneously stretching and warming your body. Gently engage your core and remember to drop your shoulders.
This pose more actively stretches the quads and knees, and the balancing component engages the lower legs and strengthens the ankles. You’ll be ready to run in no time.
Bonus pose! – Happy Baby:
After an afternoon sitting in a dining chair, roll out your back, stretch your shoulders and hammies, and loosen your ankles with this pose that even the youngest family members can do!
Happy running! Leave a comment and let us know what poses you use to get ready to run this winter!